10 Simple and Free Ways to Increase your Website Traffic on WordPress

Last Updated: February 5, 2019 | 6 min read | Comments: 0 | Views: 3925

How to increase WordPress Website Traffic - WpEngineersEvery business running on WordPress desires more traffic on their website. Many large businesses keep large sums of money for ads and other resources to attract traffic for their sites. But for other smaller websites running a business is not cheap.

An entrepreneur needs a simple and free way to increase traffic on their site. Here is a list of 10 simple and free ways to increase traffic on your WordPress Website.

1. Basic SEO Techniques.

Most people get confused while dealing with SEO. How does it work and is ranking on top of the google search even possible? Don’t get puzzled in these discussions. The important thing that a business can do is to understand the basics of SEO and how to implement them.

For a WordPress website, Yoast is the best SEO plugin that you can use to understand the basics of how SEO works. The free version provides the users all the required knowledge to understand and implement on-page SEO. For further understanding, you can always check out their blog section for news and resources.

2. Social media sharing

Many WordPress Website owners are not aware of the benefits of sharing on social media. An entrepreneur can easily reach their desired audience through social media sharing. There are many approaches that a business can take.

Most entrepreneurs choose content marketing to attract organic traffic. A business should use all the top social networking platforms to create a connection between the audience and the business.

3. Link internally

You can create many outbound links on your WordPress website to create more engagement. But creating good internal links through your content can create more engagement within one post.

Analyze and publish your content in such a manner that you create a space to build internal links to your other blogs. To create a cycle where your visitor can easily jump to your other posts generating more traffic.

4. Responsive Website

While many WordPress Website owners are eager to create a site but they are unaware of the struggles of it not being responsive. Your viewer can be a desktop user or a mobile user and you need to create a website that is easily accessible for both.

More than 4.5 billion people in the world use mobile phones so a site should be mobile friendly. Google mobile-friendly test is a great tool to analyze your website.  

A responsive WordPress website will be beneficial for you in the long run. While viewers may visit your site and easily bounce back but if for any reason they do stay on your site, they should find ease and comfort using it.

5. Build a Community

People will comment on your Facebook post and will retweet your tweet. So it is important for a WordPress website to build a community across your product or service. People like to stay connected with a business who connects with them.

While at the start it will be a very difficult task. But slowly and gradually after planning your activities, you will be able to form a community around your product and service.

6. Interact with your audience

Your community will play a key factor for your WordPress website’s traffic. A business should always interact with their audience. Replying to all the comments in your blog section. Engaging with the audience on all Social networking Platforms

Your Interaction will create a dedicated following who would automatically create organic traffic to your site. The benefits of interaction will create a connection with the audience and will make you one step closer to achieving a good conversion rate.

7. Updating your blog

Every WordPress website has a blog section, and they try to create content which gives its viewers knowledge which they desire. So try to constantly update your blog to keep it fresh and up to date.

Updated blogs create a good impression of your content amongst the viewers who visit your site. You will be able to provide valuable information to the viewers and create an increase in your traffic.

8. Attending Seminars

There are many seminars, conference and tech events that you can attend. By participating in such events you can share ideas and let others know about your business and services. If you get the opportunity to speak at these events than it could be great because it will create an automatic interest within the community to see who you are.

It is also a great way to connect with the WordPress Website owners who are in the same niche of business as you. You will be able to learn new ideas and understand how others are operating their businesses.

9. Keep an eye on Analytics

Analytics plays a crucial role in analyzing and anticipating your website traffic. A WordPress website should focus on which content generated the most engagement and the highest organic traffic. You can easily change or adjust your strategy.

Google analytics is a must have a plugin for all WordPress websites. You should keep an eye on all the analytical data this plugin provides. As it is the most important part which will create an increase in your traffic.

10. Email Marketing

Although email marketing is considered an old fashioned approach, it works. It can become a capable tool for your WordPress website. You need to create a solid strategy before sending an email. Email marketing to a targeted audience will surely generate healthy organic website traffic with a chance of scoring a client in the process.

Keep one thing in your mind that your emails should not be perceived as spam. You should send a single email at a time and provide relevant information to those you require it.


Although increasing traffic to a WordPress Website is no easy task. An entrepreneur should be resilient and should try and test new approaches. You should be keen on learning new techniques and implement other strategies if your devised plan doesn’t work. Keep working hard and eventually, you will start seeing an increase in your traffic.


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